Significance of Live Demographic Data in Handling Pandemic Situations.
Disaster management is the integral part of Public health in handling pandemic situations like H1N1, COVID19 and other natural disasters like Floods, Earthquake etc.
Government must develop and maintain the capacity to assess the situation and learn ground reality.
As health is a state subject, every state has tailored their healthcare delivery system according to their local requirement on top of that the central government has identified national health concerns and allocated specific budgets to control and gradually eradicate them.
Role of demographic data in tackling pandemic situations:
Health ministry to take meaningful decisions it analyses the data initially and then tailor plan of action, Data has a high significance in this situation where government to decide and allocates funds, manpower and equipment to battle the pandemic.
Live data is vital to assess the situation day by day and to foresee the disease trend and plan the course of action and to educate the population to focus on preventive measures as the first line of barrier.
The above table represents the various types of data collected by state health authorities to handle the Covid-19 outbreak, surprisingly the state of Uttar Pradesh did not have proper data to display regarding their status. However, the state took measures after it was pointed out by the Central Government.
Data will vary from a superficial demographic data to a granular level case history, which plays a vital role in tailoring the action plan, to plan preventive measures and allocate resources required to handle the situation. Henceforth the importance of data in handling public health situations is paramount and it continues to be one.